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Champlain eConsult BASE™ - Available Specialty Services (n=152) As of December 2023

  • Abdominal Wall Hernia 

  • Addiction Medicine 

  • Addiction – Inpatient SUP  

  • Addiction – Opioids 

  • Addiction Assessment/Treatment Services 

  • Adult Refugee and Immigrant Health 

  • Allergy and Clinical Immunology 

  • Anesthesiology 

  • Back and Neck (Spine) Care

  • Bariatric Care – Dietitian 

  • Bariatric Care – Medical  

  • Bariatric Care – Surgical  

  • Breast Cancer 

  • Breast Surgery 

  • Cancer Genetics 

  • Cancer Screening

  • Cancer Survivorship 

  • Cannabis Medicine 

  • Cardiology 

  • Cervical Dysplasia (Colposcopy/HPV/Pap) 

  • Champlain House and Community Care 

  • Champlain MINT (Multi-Specialty INterprofessional Team) Memory Clinic 

  • Chiropody 

  • Clinical Pharmacy

  • Clinical Pharmacology

  • Concussion

  • Concussion - Rehabilitation

  • COVID Pregnancy Guidance  

  • COVID Vaccination Allergies 

  • COVID-Post Discharge  

  • Dermatology 

  • Dermatology – Hair Loss 

  • Diabetes Education 

  • Endocrinology 

  • Endocrinology – Osteoporosis 

  • Endocrinology – Transgender Care 

  • ENT 

  • ENT - Otolaryngology

  • Fibromyalgia 

  • Gastroenterology 

  • General Surgery 

  • Genetics 

  • Geriatrics 

  • Geriatric Medicine – Medications 

  • Geriatric Medicine – Mind 

  • Geriatric Medicine – Mobility 

  • Geriatric Psychiatry 

  • Geriatrics PCCMC Cognitive 

  • GeriMedRisk – Clinical Pharmacology 

  • GeriMedRisk – Pharmacy 

  • GeriMedRed – Psychiatry 

  • Gynecology 

  • Hand Surgery 

  • Hematology 

  • Hemostasis 

  • Hepatology 

  • Hip Pain – U50 

  • HIV

  • HIV - Pharmacist 

  • HIV - PrEP 

  • HIV - Psychologist 

  • HIV - Social Worker 

  • Hyperbaric Medicine 

  • Infection Prevention & Control (COVID-19)  

  • Infectious Diseases 

  • Infectious Diseases – Viral Hepatitis 

  • Integrated Parkinson Care Network

  • Internal Medicine 

  • Internal Medicine – LTC 

  • Maternal Fetal Medicine  

  • Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) 

  • Medical Oncology 

  • Muscoskeletal Rehabilitation 

  • Nephrology 

  • Nephrology – Conservative Kidney Management 

  • Neurology 

  • Neurology – Dementia 

  • Neurology – Epilepsy 

  • Neurology – Migraine 

  • Neurology – Multiple Sclerosis 

  • Neurology - Sleep Medicine

  • Neurosurgery 

  • Obstetrics Medicine

  • Obstetrics


  • OBS/GYN – Menopause/Perimenopause 

  • OBS/GYN – Vulvo-Vaginal Disease 

  • Oncology

  • Ophthalmology 

  • Orthopaedics 

  • Ostomy and Peristomal Complications 

  • Pain and Opioid Addiction 

  • Pain Management and Anesthesiology

  • Pain Medicine 

  • Pain Medicine and Anesthesiology 

  • PainConnect - Re-Consultation

  • Palliative Care 

  • Parkinsons and Movement Disorders 

  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation – Electrodiagnostic Medicine 

  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation – Neuromuscular Rehabilitation 

  • Plastic Surgery 

  • Psychiatry 

  • Psychiatry – Anxiety PTSD 

  • Psychiatry – Eating Disorders 

  • Psychiatry – First Episode Psychosis 

  • Psychiatry – Neurodevelopment Disorders 

  • Psychiatry – Perinatal 

  • Public Health

  • Radiation – Radiotherapy Injury 

  • Radiology

  • Radiology – Abdominal  

  • Radiation – Breast  

  • Radiology – Muscoskeletal  

  • Radiology – NeuroRadiology  

  • Radiology – Thoracic  

  • Refugee and Immigrant Health

  • Respirology 

  • Rheumatology 

  • Rheumatology - Osteoperosis

  • Sarcoma 

  • Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence 

  • Sleep Medicine 

  • Spinal Surgery 

  • Spine Care

  • Sports Medicine 

  • Stroke – TIA  

  • Thoracic Surgery 

  • Thrombosis 

  • Transgender Care 

  • Travel Medicine

  • Tropical Medicine 

  • Tuberculosis 

  • Urogynecology 

  • Urology 

  • Urology – Male Sexual Dysfunction 

  • Vascular Surgery 

  • Wound Care 

  • Adolescent Medicine 

  • Concussion – Pediatric 

  • General Pediatrics 

  • Genetics - Pediatric Metabolics/Newborn Screening

  • Pediatric ADHD 

  • Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology 

  • Pediatric Anesthesiology 

  • Pediatric Autism 

  • Pediatric Behavioural Sleep Medicine 

  • Pediatric Cardiology 

  • Pediatric Chronic Pain 

  • Pediatric Complex Care 

  • Pediatric Dermatology 

  • Pediatric Endocrinology 

  • Pediatric ENT 

  • Pediatric Gastroenterology 

  • Pediatric Gynecology 

  • Pediatric Hematology/Oncology 

  • Pediatric HIV 

  • Pediatric Infectious Disease 

  • Pediatric Nephrology 

  • Pediatric Neurology 

  • Pediatric Neurosurgery 

  • Pediatric Obesity and Diabetes 

  • Pediatric Ophthalmology 

  • Pediatric Orthopaedics 

  • Pediatric Palliative Care 

  • Pediatric Plastic Surgery 

  • Pediatric Psychiatry 

  • Pediatric Radiology 

  • Pediatric Refugee and Immigrant Health 

  • Pediatric Respirology 

  • Pediatric Rheumatology 

  • Pediatric Urology 

  • Nunavut Pediatric Hearing Testing 

  •  Cardiologie

  • Dermatologie

  • Dermatologie-Alopecie

  • Douleur

  • Fibromyalgie

  • Gastroentérologie

  • Gynecologie

  • Gynecologie Pediatrique

  • Hematologie

  • Hépatologie

  • Maladies Infectieuses

  • Maladies infectieuses – Prevention et controle (COVID-19) 

  • Nephrologie

  • Ophthalmologie – Adulte

  • OtoRhinoLaryngologie

  • Psychiatre

  • Santé des adultes immigrants et réfugiés

  • Santé des enfants immigrants et réfugiés

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